Thursday, 26 April 2012


04/14/12 1:55AM

I can see Diablo when I close my eyes. Click click click click click click click click. I'm serious. Click click click click click click.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Stupid Ticket

03/19 12:32 AM

Eric: (snores loudly)
Lang: (shoves him, gently of course, to roll over)
Eric: I'm teasing! Don't be mad at me you stupid ticket.

Whose sweater is this?

03/17/12 2:51 PM

Lang: There is a long blond hair on this sweater.
Eric: Ooh, who were you sleeping with?
Lang: This is your sweater.
Eric: Ooh, who was I sleeping with? I wanna know!

God's funny?

03/26/12 1:36 AM

Eric: (Giggling). Oh god.
Lang: What are you laughing at?
E: God. I duno.


03/11/12 2:29 AM

Eric: Look at the pots. Pots. Look at them. Pet them.
Lang: What?
Eric: The pots. Yessss.
Lang: What are these pots?
Eric: They're here. Presents.

Archaeology and Golf

03/01 11:58PM

Eric: It must be so hard for the archaeologist to go searching because we're playing golf. How do they dig down?
Lang: Why would they dig at a golf course?
Eric: How do they know what's inside the ground? So much history! But I bet they'll just find stupid arrowheads. Pfft. Indians. We sailed ships. They're like Neanderthals.
Lang: I'm sure that's not it.
Eric: Whatever. They be cleaning my bunker. Rake it! That's right! I'd be hitting in bunkers.
Eric: This motherfucker. Hit it! HIT IT!

Note: Just in case, sorry. He doesn't really feel this way sober/awake.

Eating like a bird and Star Wars

February 2012

12:56 AM
That tasted soooo good. I want more. I want to store it in my mouth, like a bird, and then feed it to myself later.

1:15 AM
I was sleeping. And they were falling...falling...falling Star Wars.

Spell it Smeldy

01/28/12 12:37AM

Eric: Hoooooohhhhhh. That feld good.
Lang: What felt good.
Eric: No, it smelled good. You know why? I'll tell you why. Why else would I spell it smeldy. Smeldysmeldy. Blubblub blubblublub.

Eric speaks Khmer

01/12/12 12:13AM

Tominama. Tominama.
TohmTohmTohm. TohmTohm.

Tominama = (I don't know what language this is in)
Tohm = big in Khmer