Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Politically Active

12/16 1:04AM

Eric: Mmmmmm
Lang: Hmmm?
Eric: That feels good
Lang: (confused, lifts head up to look at him) what feels good?
Eric: The senate. Boxing. In time.
Lang: (Lays back down) okay.
Eric: Nevermind (disappointedly)

Breathing is hard

10/20 11:53PM

Eric: (cough, almost choking)
Lang: You okay?
Eric: I went to breathe and I coughed nails. Nails? Nails. Webs.

Quesadillas and the Tick


Eric: You. Go Brown. Go brown now!
Lang: Yelling at your quesadillas won't make them cook faster.
Eric: But I'm hungry now.

Then, we watched the pilot episode of the Tick (live action)

Eric: Moth. (snorts) YEAH. What he said.

Veronica vs Army of Darkness vs tri tip

09/05 2:26AM

Todd's gonna hit that! He should take pics. No. He should take pics of army of darkness cuz that shit is awwwwwwwwesome. Amiright?! Imma have dreams of tri tip.