Saturday, 15 January 2011

Russia Game


Eric: (Laughing out loud)
Lang: What are you laughing at?
Eric: (Chuckle) It's you in this game!
Lang: What game?
Eric: A Russia game.
Lang: Russia? Like the country?
Eric: Yeah!
Lang: What was I doing in the game?
Eric: I dunno (snores)

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Body Roll (His One Dance Move)

Eric: I'll grind on you so hard I'll make you pregnant.  
Lang: What?
Eric: The body roll can't be captured on camera.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Citizen (audio)


Audio is available but i don't know how to attach it here. I can text or email it to you!

Eric: aren't you gonna catch me?
Eric: aren't you gonna catch me? (before I could record)
Lang: catch you do what?
(inaudible but something about him being outside and me being the "popo")
Eric: I'm not fully here this year
Lang: this year?
Eric: mmhm 
Lang: why not?
Eric: cuz. I'm not a citizen
Lang: you're not a citizen?
Eric: I was...n't
Lang: but now you are?
Eric: mm
Lang: when did you become a citizen?
Eric: last night!

Pick a Number


Lang: weren't they freezing in their tiny dresses and pushed up boobs?!
Eric: dude, they're all fucking hoes!
Lang: maybe
Eric: when there's so many of them, you have to pick a number
Lang: what number?
Eric: you know, like at a butcher shop. When there's a lot of people, you have to pick a number.
Lang: did u pick a number? What was your number?
Eric: hmm? (snore)